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作者:深圳教育在线 来源:www.szedu.net 更新日期:2019/2/12 11:43:06
  培训学校: 仁脉顾问>> 点击进入培训机构主页
  课程名称: 仁脉顾问24K胡萝卜培训
  课程学费: 电话咨询 开课时间:常年滚动开班
  上课地点: 全国
  关 键 字: 员工管理,员工激励,员工激励技巧
  咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436

Do you rarely spend time to publicly reward the outstanding performance of your staff? Do you regard ‘carrot and stick’ as your management creed? If yes, please try the highly nutritious and low-fat carrot – 24 pure carrot manage will help you attract, retain and motivate outstanding talents that you need most!
Your benefits:
 最大程度地发挥您所在组织吸引、挽留和激励核心员工的能力;
     Maximizing your organization’s ability to attract, retain and motivate core employees;
 让您的组织可以留住更多员工、提高员工忠诚度、维持更持久的高生产力以及创造更多利润;
     Enabling your organization to retain more employees, improve employee loyalty, maintain a longer-lasting high productivity and create more profits;
 与国际资深的员工激励专家分享经验,并从成功的员工激励个案中得到启发;
     Sharing the experience with international senior masters in employee motivation, and be inspired from successful cases of employee motivation;
 掌握员工赏识和激励的技巧,为管理提供全新视角,让您成为最有影响力的领导者。
     Mastering the skills of employee appreciation and motivation, provide management a new perspective, allow you to become the most influential leader
 《24只胡萝卜的管理》是美国O.C. Tanner公司精心制作的员工激励书籍。Tanner公司是全球最大的提供员工激励方案的顾问公司,拥有78年的实战经验,得到全世界10,000家机构的认可,包括“财富500强”当中的大部分企业。
 《The 24 Carrot Manager》 is a remarkable story of how a leader can unleash human potential. It was produced by O.C. Tanner (U.S.). Tanner consulting firm is the world’s largest provider of employee incentive programs with more than 78 years of field experience. Their effective motivation programs and tools has been recognized by more than 10,000 companies, including most of the Fortune 500 companies.

The does this course includes:
单元1. 为什么需要胡萝卜的管理?
Module 1 Why carrots management
 为什么工作幸福指数会一降再降?
     Why employees are not happy about their work?
 什么样的公司会令员工们乐在工作?
     What type of company will make employees enjoy working?
 员工:更多选择带来更多困惑
     Employees: More choices lead to more confusion
 管理者:压力、无奈、无能
     Managers: Pressure, frustration, incompetence
 案例:《我们的困惑》
     Case Study: Our confusion
 愉悦客户首先要愉悦员工
     Please customer must please your employees first
 对于胡萝卜的担忧与误解
     Concerns and misunderstandings about ‘carrot’
 成功运用胡萝卜管理的世界级公司
     The world-class companies who successful use of carrots management
单元2. 如何通过管理给予胡萝卜?
Module 2 How to reward carrots through management
 管理者的控制意识或服务意识
     The sense of control and service of managers
 如何运用服务意识来愉悦员工
     How to please employees with sense of service
 竞争驱动:“公平”给予胡萝卜
     Competition-driven: Fair to give carrots
 奖惩驱动:最为敏感的胡萝卜
     Incentive-driven: the most sensitive carrots
 授权驱动:赋予信任的胡萝卜
     Authorized driven: Given the carrots of trust
 训练驱动:授人以渔的胡萝卜
     Training-driven: how to fish vs. carrots不知道
 目标驱动:预见未来的胡萝卜
     Target-driven: foreseen the carrots of the future
 契约驱动:发自内心的胡萝卜
     Contract-driven: the carrots from heart
Module 3: How to give carrots through leadership
 关于胡萝卜领导者的使命感
     The mission of carrot leaders
 追随者会追随怎样的领导者
     What type of leader employees like to follow?
 信念驱动:来自精神世界的胡萝卜
     Belief-driven: carrots from the spiritual world
 行为驱动:榜样是古老而有效的胡萝卜
     Behavior-driven: Model is the ancient and effective carrot
 情感驱动:透过关怀润泽人心的胡萝卜
     Emotion-driven: Carrots from caring
 愿景驱动:通过利益连接给予的胡萝卜
     Vision-driven: Carrots from benefits
单元4: 如何通过氛围给予胡萝卜?
Module 4: How to give carrots through environment
 由冷漠氛围引发的一系列后果
     Bad impact from cold atmosphere
 给员工一个愿意留在这里的理由、
     Give employee a reason to stay
 社交驱动:互动是提高创造力的胡萝卜
     Social-driven: Interaction is the carrot of enhance creativity
 友谊驱动:工作内外的友谊是提升效率的胡萝卜
     Friendship-driven: Friendship is the carrot of enhance efficiency
 环境驱动:环境舒适度是抵御疲劳的胡萝卜
     Environment-driven: Comfortable environment is the carrot of resisting fatigue.
 归属驱动:能否被认同是决定去留的胡萝卜
     Belonging-driven: Recognition is the carrot of retention
 赞赏驱动:成本低廉使用简便功效神奇的胡萝卜
     Praise-driven: Use the carrots with low cost and magic effect
 成就驱动:令人百折不挠不足奇肝脑涂地不足惜的胡萝卜
     Achievement-driven: carrots vs. engagement
Module 5: How to give carrots through value drive?
 自己才是自己最好的激励者
     Self is the best inspirer
 明确价值观就是帮助员工认识自己
     Clarified value helps employee know self better
 恐惧驱动:对于失败的恐惧是激活动力的胡萝卜
     Fear-driven: Fear of failure is the carrot of power activating
 梦想驱动:对于梦想的渴望是寻找动力的胡萝卜
     Dream-driven: dream brings carrots the motivation
 责任驱动:没有什么比对家人承担责任更有意义的胡萝卜了
     Liability-driven: nothing is more significant than responsibility
单元6: 如何延续胡萝卜的管理?
Module 6: How to make carrots into work
 21天胡萝卜管理提升计划
     21 day carrot management improving plan

课程时间:标准时间 2天(共12小时)
 已经是管理者,但还没有成为真正的领导者
    A manager, but also hope to become a true leader
 已经是领导者,但还希望成为更有影响力的领导者
    A leader, but also hope to become a more influential leader

  仁脉顾问(中国)--人才发展专家,是人才发展培训和解决方案的领先者。公司的使命是“专注人才发展”。 仁脉顾问信念:“做行业先锋,而非追随者”,在培训领域追求技术领先,追求培训课程和解决方案的精品化、品牌化、行业专业化。 仁脉顾问是中国最大的管理领域培训课程提供者之一。覆盖人才规划、人才培养、人才评价、领导力提升、学习路径设计、项目咨询实施、课程开发等领域,提供卓越的专业服务。 仁脉顾问在人才发展领域行业..>>进入学校主页
  咨询电话: 0755-88842400 0755-83692700 0755-88844436
  手机: 15811841184 电 邮:nihao@foxmail.com

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